Blog Content Copy Protection in WordPress
Needless to say, Copying content from other blogs is a very bad practice, but unfortunately still some people are doing this practice to waste their precious time. I have been striving to report websites/blogs which had re-published or you can say copied my content and posted on their blogs, but I’m a human, I can’t spend hours everyday to search for my content on the web, then fill out long long forms and submit them to web hosting companies as well as Google or blogspot, after reporting hundreds of blogs/sites previously, I finally got tired , then I tried to find a way where I could minimize the chances of being infringed. Since I’m on WordPress, so I got some easy solutions to this issue in shape of plugins, I tried many plugins in this regard, and today I thought to share some of them with you, so you can also use them to protect your WordPress site/blog content from being copied or infringed by others without your permission. Never copy content from other websites.
How to Protect WordPress Blog Content?
As I mentioned above, I’ve found some really easy solutions for WordPress blogs in shape of plugins, and I’ll tell you how you can easily install and set up them to get rid of copycats, at least you can get rid of the newbies who just use their mouse to select the article/text and then copy/paste it to their blogs, this way, they make a duplicate copy of your content which is very bad for SEO and Google indexing. They can’t get benefit from this for long time, but it creates some issues for you in terms of SEO.
WordPress Plugins for Copy Protection
I used two plugins for this thing, and both of them worked fine, but I then selected the better and simple one which I’m currently using on this blog, so I’ll tell you the setting of that, but both of the plugins work fine. You can simply search the names of these two plugins in your WP dashboard:
- Wp-copyright-protection
- WP Site Protector
In fact, You don’t need to do any setting for these plugins, just install them and you are all done, but for the “WP Site Protector”, You can make the following setting if you want, but by default this is the same:
After making setting just click “Save Changes” and you are all done with this. And I published this post upon requests from many readers of this blog, and if you are one of them then please say “Thank You” in the comments and if you are not one of them then learn this thing which might be helpful for you in the future.And I really appreciate your questions and comments if you have anything to say about this trick.
I have something to say:Since the new year has already started, so I wish all of you a great new year and best wishes for your success and best health in 2015. Also remember me in your prays and thank you very much for your support throughout the entire year 2015, I’ll never forget your help and love You’ve been showing over the past few years, I’ve always been motivated by you to create more tutorials for you and publish on this blog.